New Holland Artistry Spirits Communication Audit and Plan
Autor: Joseph Malone • March 5, 2016 • Business Plan • 5,197 Words (21 Pages) • 1,130 Views
To: New Holland Brewing
From: Joseph Malone, InTouch CEO
cc: [Name]
Date: February 24, 2015
Re: Communication Plan and Audit
This book is a thorough communication audit and plan designed to create a buzz around your New Holland spirits. The recommendations and suggestions in this book are driven by the review of your current strategies and tactics. Based on effective communication tactic execution, the suggestions are ways your team could strengthen its relationship with the public. Not limited to spirits, the recommendations will improve your company’s holistic relationship with the public.
The plan takes New Holland’s current business model and mission combined with knowledge of the target audience to develop effective communication tactics. These tactics reach directly to the target audience, capturing their attention and persuading them. This plan focuses on building awareness and branding.
Included in the plan, four example tactics have been provided. Feel free to use those tactics and tweak them however necessary. All examples are designed to infiltrate the target audience and realize organizational objectives. If any information is needed related to this plan but not included in the following document, please do not hesitate to email with requests.
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with a team of leaders, artists, business professionals, and drinkers such as yourselves. I would also like to thank you for making Beer Barrel Bourbon.
Table of Contents
Communication Audit 1
Purpose 1
Material Review 2
Website 2
Social Media 2
Ads 4
Bottles 4
Recommendations and Suggestion 4
Communication Plan 5
Background 5
Project Overview 5
Project Work Plan 8
Strategies 8
Tactics 10
Example Tactics 11
Brochure 11
Newsletter 14