Ratio Analysis of Kohinoor Chemicals
Autor: Anu gowda • March 17, 2016 • Case Study • 5,554 Words (23 Pages) • 1,088 Views
Ratio Analysis of Kohinoor Chemical
In: Business and Management
Ratio Analysis of Kohinoor Chemical
Bangladesh University of Business
& Technology {BUBT}
Ratio analysis of KOHINOOR CHEMICAL
Course Title: Managerial Finance
Course Code: FIN 302
Here is our report on Ratio analysis that you have assigned us to submit as a partial requirement for the course Managerial Finance (FIN 302). While preparing this Report we have gone through internet, different books and class lecture sheets are the sources of relevant information of the assigned topic.
Though we have put our best effort yet it is very likely that the report may have some mistakes & that are unintentional. We hope that the report will meet your expectation.
We shall be glad to answer any kind of question about any matter relating to this report and we shall be pleased to provide further clarification if necessary.
Executive Summary
BBA program is the most significant part for being a good entrepreneur. The Department of Business Studies, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology was arranged us to do a report on Marketing plan regarding this program. We are very glad to this placement because it helps us to know about the Marketing Management & so on. We are so much appreciated and encouraged in working with this report.
This report focuses on the Marketing plan of new car. We are tried to cover all aspects of Marketing Management to prepare an effective and useful report. There is a lot opportunities to further study to justice and reliability for the report. We have enjoyed every step in conducting the study. These practical knowledge and experience will help us in our practical life. We expect that this report will be accepted as a true picture of the Marketing plan.
1. Introduction:
Kohinoor Chemical Company is popularly known in Bangladesh for its legendary beauty product under the brand Tibet. for more than half century Tibet has made its mark in the hearts of million we are the pioneer of the soaps, cosmetics, toiletries manufacturing company in Bangladesh produce highly value added product with quality in center of focus we care for customers and determined to count extra mileage to meet their daily needs. We believe that it is the quality that has kept Tibet going and growing for 55 years. We produce every product that you need to feel noticed for your standout freshness
My report is on the “Ratio analysis dealings of Kohinoor Chemical.
1.2 Background of the study:
With a view to acquire an in-depth knowledge about the practical orientation and experiences of dynamic business world, it is obligatory to undertake an extensive study to prepare ratio analysis report the students of Business Administration, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT), who are desirous to the successfully completion of their BBA. During the preparation of the report, the students are guided and supervised by the faculties of the department with whom they are attached to. Each student is required to work on a specific topic to his/her learning with the attachment of any respective organization. As part of the program, we are highly proud to join with Kohinoor Chemical as Internee and selecting topic “Ratio analysis (KOHINOOR CHEMICAL), However, we had worked there in several departments, but we had to select an area of study in which we can make detail research and present our understanding in the report.