Scholarships for Student Athletes at the College Level
Autor: aroseman2 • November 27, 2012 • Essay • 1,309 Words (6 Pages) • 1,569 Views
“Scholarships for Student Athletes at the College Level”
There are many varying significant scholarships available for student athletes at the college level. This is a tough topic for many of the athletes when it comes to asking each other how much they are each individually receiving. There is constant complaining and bickering causing a lot of tension on many teams. Most scholarships range from the hundreds to the tens of thousands. When determining how much money an athlete will receive there are many factors considered. For instance, international students receive a bigger scholarship from the institution because they are playing so far from home. Also they receive a higher amount because the costs of tuition and board for an out of state student, especially international are extremely high. However, the supreme factor determining how much of a scholarship a student athlete at the college level will receive is the person’s skill level. For this reason, it is my opinion that not all the student athletes of a college should receive the same amount of a scholarship, and that the determining factors should be the person’s overall skill level, performance while playing, and how much hard work and dedication the athlete shows during involvement in the sport.
To begin with, many people have the opinion that all student athletes at the college level should receive the same amount of a scholarship. They believe that every individual is one of the many members of the team and every person is contributing in the same way. In such individual’s opinion it would be unfair to give certain people more money. Arguments among teammates would erupt and it would only lead to more serious problems for the team. Equity is believed to be of utmost importance. As many people know, there is always a trade off between equity and efficiency. One can not have both. In the end, what is fair is more important to some people.
In contrast, I think an athlete’s overall skill level should be the utmost important factor when determining how much of a scholarship the person should receive. Currently many players on the same team complain about how much their individual scholarships are and believe that they all should be the same amount. While these people think that is the fair way to do things, it is actually not. The skill level of an individual is what should matter. It is inherently not fair for an athlete who may have previously been a member of a pro or very good club team to receive the same amount of money as a brand new freshman who has very little experience. Sometimes a player might even have an agent or have been recommended by a certain coach. In this instance, these players are held to a higher degree of skill level than certain other players. Most of the time they have more experience and certain talents that will end up being more beneficial for the team in the long run. A good team is what brings