Scientific Method
Autor: court765 • September 26, 2012 • Essay • 516 Words (3 Pages) • 1,422 Views
Scientific Method (Ugh how long will this paper take me?!)
I know what you’re probably thinking as you read the title to my paper. Did I actually put that? YES, yes I did. When I first saw this assignment I thought to myself great there goes my whole Saturday. I am awful at writing papers and it takes me forever to even find a topic. I thought about doing a tennis ball or a tennis racket experiment since I love tennis. I was going to do how the weight of the racket affected my hitting but I didn’t have enough rackets or anyone to play with plus it was raining. I thought about just making something up but I’m too honest for that because I would have felt guilty. Then after exactly one hour and forty six minutes of researching, it hit me!
I got the bright idea that I made an observation when I observed it would take me a long time to do this paper. So then I formed my hypothesis that it would only take me about an hour if I sat down and got really busy. So then I started my experiment and wrote down my times. The first time I actually saw the assignment would have been on Sunday evening about six o’clock. So then I had to add that time into my experiment because for several days I had known about the assignment. I did not actually see the assignment instructions however until Tuesday morning. So on my free time I would wonder what I would write about. Then on Friday morning I sat down at 8:30 to begin my research and get started. I knew if I waited till Saturday than I would be taking the chance of something coming up and my paper not getting finished. From 8:30 to 10:26 I researched tennis experiments and the definitions of hypothesis and theory, I read the book definitions and examples about the pennies but I did not like those explanations so I watched a couple YouTube videos on what the scientific method was. From 10:20 to 10:27 I was talking to my cleaning lady about this paper and reading to her what