Stilsim Personnel - Internal Analysis
Autor: althea4 • July 21, 2011 • Case Study • 1,671 Words (7 Pages) • 4,691 Views
“StilSim Personnel - Internal Analysis"
This is an internal analysis of StilSim. What is an internal analysis? According to University, Franklin (m.2.1, 2011), “The primary goal of assessing the firm’s internal environment is determining strengths and weaknesses.” Therefore, we will look at the strengths that at StilSim.
It’s important for StilSim to know what type of internal problem exist within the company so we can evaluate our resources, potential, and core competencies, a starting point on how to approach each problem. why are there significant to StilSim what does the analysis tell us according to Dess, Lumpkin, & Eisner (2010), “top managers rely no SWOT to stimulate self reflection and group discussion about how to improve their firm and position it for success.' therefore we could use it as a way to view different patterns occurring at StilSim. Doing a internal analysis is important because it the start of where key discussions can take place between managers what is the impact on StilSim with support from research profit dropped to the bottom line how are we handing it over several years are the growing up or down or down or inconsistent what does that mean After gathering information from StilSim staff, the first strength that StilSim has is that its CEO Bill Simmons realizes there is a problem due to staff inability to corporate with each other. According to Patton (p.36, 2010), “Employee relations (ER) consultants advise that instead of ignoring staff disputes, optometrist-owners need to take action.” Therefore, finding ways to address some of the staff issues would even more improve on the relationships that staff would have with each other in the work place.
As we look at the importance of how networking at StilSim has still provided the company with candidates to fill some position as stated by Sue Maxim and Carlos Martinez, uses networking to find new candidates. When using networking it can aide the company according to Lacho & Marinello (p.129, 2010), “You can manage the information that’s publicly available about you as a professional; Find and be introduced to potential clients, service providers, and subject experts; who come recommended; Create and collaborate on projects, gather data, share files and solve problems.” This use of the social networking can be a positive effect on the company if all employees come together to make sure the same goal of the company is being addressed in this situations.
Carlos Martinez also uses of advertising whether print or commercial forms to find candidates to fill position need by client who require our services at StilSim he also believes that we still have a strong reputation in Capital City. Because according to Argenti & Druckenmiller (p372, 2004), “When customers get what they expect from a company time and time again (i.e. the corporate brand promise is kept), reputation is