Strategic Analysis Case Study
Autor: Antonio • November 29, 2012 • Case Study • 512 Words (3 Pages) • 1,651 Views
Assignment 3 – Impact of Globalization on Local Community
BUS 1801 - Global Business Perspectives
Your Name Date
Assignment Instructions:
• Type your answers to the following questions.
• Insert your answers into the fields following each question.
• Make certain your name appears in the document header above.
• The company and product you choose must not be the same as the company and product in your Team or another Team's Presentation.
• How to submit your assignment
o Submit your completed work, as a MS Word file, to the appropriate Assignment DropBox in ANGEL. The DropBox is located in the Course Materials section of ANGEL.
o Verify your file is appropriately uploaded to ANGEL and the correct DropBox.
o Use the following MS Word file naming convention:
• MAC users: make certain the file you upload to the ANGEL DropBox can be opened, read and edited by MS Word 2007.
Describe the impacted on a local community from the direct foreign investment made by a multinational company. Select a community in a country other than the United States.
1) Identify the multinational company and the country of its origin.
Company Name Country of Origin Company annual revenues (in 1000) Host country GNP
(in 1000)
2) Identify the product offered in the multinational company and the price of the product in USD.
Product Name Price
3) Identify the local community.
Country State, Province City
Per capita income before investment
Unemployment rate before investment
Population before investment in thousands
Number of Registered Voters in thousands
4) Company