The War of the Eastern Front
Autor: karanjanjoki • March 22, 2015 • Dissertation • 2,555 Words (11 Pages) • 1,010 Views
The war of the eastern front
The war of the Eastern front started in 1941 to 1945, and it is considered as the gravest war in the history of the World War. Hitler was determined to attack Russia due to economical gain. Russia had large food resources and raw materials; thus, it would help German in their quest for war. This breached the economical agreement signed by Hitler and Stalin as German did not keep their side of the bargain.
The war of the Eastern front was also racially motivated. Hitler considered the leaders of the Soviet Union as criminals, and there was a need to kill them to prevent future jeopardy. Both Hitler and Stalin were aggressive, and none was ready to back down, this led to the killing of many civilians. In his troop, Hitler included the Wehrmacht, which mainly comprised of weak military army. The Wehrmacht was ruthless and brutal towards the people of the Soviet Union, who were mainly Jews and the Imprisoned Soviet Union army. The Wehrmacht killed and tortured the Russian army and people who were captured by the Germans. Four countries were involved in the Eastern front war, thus, leading to the greatest defeat of Hitler in the history of the world war. It also reflected the involvement of the women in the battle.
The scale of combat
Hitler had not expected the Eastern front war to last for long. He was confident of his troop’s capability to defeat Russia. However, Hitler's plan failed as the war lasted for four years. Hitler had expected Russia to back down like France; Austria and Greece had previously done. On the contrary, the Red army was aggressive, and they continued fighting. Hitler had also ignored the vastness of Russia while planning the war. Due to these facts German was defeated by the Red army (Murray & Millett, n.d.).
In Sixteenth May nineteen forty-three the Russian Red army conducted raids on Ruhr, which was German’s industrial city. They also destroyed German’s main dams. This led to massive effect on the production of Arms and thus weakened the German troops. The center of Hamburg was nearly destroyed by July and Began of August bombings by the Russian troops. The people of German were also greatly affected by this invasion. The Russians were also helped by the American troop, the British troops, and the French. By 1943, the German Troops began to retreat (Shulte, n.d.). According Murray & Millett (n.d.), the Russians made mistakes in planning the War. Therefore, they only won due to German’s mistakes.
The Germans were determined to acquire the Europe territory. This led to the attack of British in 1941. The German had previously decrypted the British radio. This eased the German attacks on the British as they could gain access to their vital information. They were able to know the British strategic plan. In contrast, the British could not access the German’s information. Due to this, the Germans were able to sink Russia’s eight hundred and sixty thousand ships. However, this changed in December nineteen forty-two when the British started to decrypt the German’s secrets. The British were able to sink many German’s ships. Due to this the Germans retreated their boats and surrendered (Axworthy, n.d.). However, airstrikes by British and its preparation was not something worth talking about; this was due to the easy accessibility that the British gained and lack of preparation (Murray & Millett, n.d.).