Toyota Case Study
Autor: keithmok • December 1, 2016 • Case Study • 302 Words (2 Pages) • 1,005 Views
Part II a) Advertising Objectives
Toyota, as mentioned above, already developed and operated for a long period of time and there is already a mature market in supporting it. Brand loyalty had also been stably established and sustained and the market is highly familiarized with it very much. However, for this ever-changing automobile, market competition is becoming much more severe than before. Therefore, Toyota, the highly-developed automobile giant, is suggested to undertake a brand new and effective advertising and marketing campaign to sustain its market position and even achieve and attain another period of being the leader in the HK automobile market.
For the relatively small size of HK automobile market, customers who are driving or going to drive business van as work are already familiarized with the business van that Toyota selling. Therefore, the main advertising objectives for Toyota to undertake advertising and marketing campaign on business van are to remind and arouse end-users' interest towards Toyota's business van which will increase the customer traffic for those retailers and wholesalers, and targeted to be about 20% - 25% more than before. Once there are more end-users approach and show interest to Toyota's business van, increasing inquiries from end-users and channel members will be taken place. The more and larger attracted customer base means an increase in the chance for the sellers in closing the deal and even boost up the Toyota's business van sales volume finally. At the end, more and better orders and sales from the retailer or wholesaler will be resulted to meet the uprising market needs.
All in all, the advertising objectives of the Toyota's new advertising and marketing campaign would be:
i) Increase customer traffic by about 20% - 25%
ii) Increase inquiries from end-users and channel members
iii) Increase retailer or wholesaler orders or sales on Toyota's business van by 10% eventually