What Are the Lessons That Future Marketers Could Learn from Your Inspiring Journey of Success?
Autor: Mohamed Ewida • April 15, 2016 • Research Paper • 8,182 Words (33 Pages) • 961 Views
Raafat: Mohammed, It's very nice chance to have the meeting with you today.
Magdy: Thank you Dr. Raafat. Dr. Raafat first of all, let's tell us about your inspiring journey of success.
- Tell us about your Inspiring Journey of Success.
Raafat: My story simply starts .. after my graduation from the faculty of medicine Cairo university 1994 and then I decided to left the medicine and then to join the business. I started my journey as a medical representative in Schering-Plough company; It's one of the American pharmaceutical companies and then I used promoted to be product specialist. Then I joined the field of marketing as product mnager. I am finally to be promoted as a training manager.
During this period I decided to join the field of training as a marketing trainer. I started with the CIM (Chartered Institute Of Marketing). Actual as a student, and the CIM certificate and then the diploma. After having that diploma, I decided to join the AUC (American Univeristy in Cairo) as a marketing trainer. I started teaching with the CIM ceritificate and diploma. And then I proceeddd with other certificates likes MBAs and like the hospital marketing. Not only in the AUC but also in other centers, which you mentioned right now.
Magdy: And wow that is amazing Dr. Raafat. Dr Raafat would love to share from your experience the lessons that future marketers could learn from you inspiring journey of success.
- What are the lessons that future marketers could learn from your inspiring journey of success?
Raafat: I think persistance is the most important lesson for anybody to succeed in marketing; because to be a good markeer, apart from the talent, you have to have a high persitance in order to succeed. The persistance will encourage any person to learn and trial and error, to have some role-models from which you can gain the experience. It's not an easy job to be a good markeer. And actually I want to mention that the talent here is most important. Because as you know when some consultants analyze the brain actually of those people specially; the creative marketeers, they found that usually creativity is related to some extend to the right side of the brain.
Magdy: Yea
Raafat: So in order to be a good marketeer you have to have a well developed right side of the brain which is responsible for creativity. And As you know creativity is a fundamental item for any marketeer to be influencial in that field.
Magdy: And that is great. Dr Raafat do you have any ideas how the marketeer could develop the right side of their brain to develop their creativity?
Raafat: Actually most of it is genetic, the rest is practise. For example if your memory is not good, practising can improve your memory. Actually in order to be highly creative, you need the talent. And the talent is something genetic. For example I can not make anybody to be charismatic, because charisma actually is something genetic.