‘‘government Policies and Regulations on Packaging and Labeling’’
Autor: Tanay Dhir • August 3, 2015 • Research Paper • 1,965 Words (8 Pages) • 1,459 Views
‘‘Government Policies and Regulations On
Packaging and Labeling’’
Synopsis submitted to College of Management & Economic Studies for the partial fulfillment of the degree of
BBA (Logistics Management)
Guided by:[pic 1]
Submitted by:
Tanay Dhir
Enrollment No: R380212037
SAP ID: 500021526
[pic 2]
College of Management and Economic Studies
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Nov, 2014
Problem Statement
‘‘Government Policies and Regulations on Packaging and Labeling’’ is the research work that deals with all the policies and regulations established by the government for the protection of the consumers and the environment and to find gaps that needed to filled for improvement for packaging and labeling.
Packaging and labeling the product in the right manner and according to the product characteristics is very crucial for all the organization. Various legislations have been enacted in many developing countries like India. The legislations on packaging and labeling can be categorized into the following:
- Operational safety
- Public health and hygiene
- Consumer protection
- Export promotion
- Transportation
- Quality of product
Operational Safety: in this, the packaging need of hazardous and explosive materials has to be satisfied as per the orders issued by the Department of Explosives and Hazardous Materials. Even the Indian Railways and International Air Transport Association (IATA) have a list of banned items which are not accepted for movement.
Public Health and Hygiene: this comes under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. This law deals with the integrity and the information printed on the products packaging.
Consumer protection: this is for all the manufactured products. It is mandatory for a manufacturer to put a label on the product to enable customers identify and compare it with the other brands available in the market.
Transportation: the product should be marked with the following information:
- Consigner and consignee details
- Type of product
- Handling instructions
- Shipping weight
- Symbols for dangerous products
Exports: the Export Inspection Agency has implemented the government regulation. The Heavy Package Act, 1951 covers these regulations. Export consignment should have identification marks on their packaging. The information should consist of name of the manufacturer, name of the consigner, port destination, name and address of the consignee, country of origin, product type, shipping weight, quantity and handling instructions. The export inspection agency should duly inspect the package and should be stamped by them for clearance through customs.