American Literary Periods
Autor: moto • July 8, 2012 • Essay • 773 Words (4 Pages) • 1,516 Views
Periods Genre & Style Characteristics Historical Context Examples
1620-1750 Sermons, diaries, personal narratives
Sermons written in plain style rather than ornate
Religious poetry Focuses on daily life, moral attitudes, and political unrest
Literature is instructive, reinforces authority of the Bible and church Predestination: fate determined by God
All are sinful and must be saved by Christ
"Puritan" began as an insult by traditional Anglicans to those who criticized or wished to "purify" the Church of England. Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation
Bradstreet's "Upon the Burning of Our House"
Edwards's "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Though not written during Puritan times, The Crucible & The Scarlet Letter depict life during the time when Puritan theocracy prevailed (1692, Salem Witch Trials).
1750-1800 Political pamphlets
Travel writing
Persuasive writing Literature instills pride, spurs patriotism, and common agreement
National mission and the American character Encourages support for the Revolutionary War
Writings of Jefferson, Paine, Henry
Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac and "The Autobiography"
1800-1860 Character sketches
Slave narratives
Short stories Celebrates the individual, nature, imagination & emotions
Value intuition over reasoning
Flee corruption of civilization and limits of rational thought toward the integrity of nature and freedom of the imagination
Instill proper gender behavior for men & women
Re-imagine the American past Expansion of magazines, newspapers, and book publishing
Industrial revolution leads questioning the "old ways" (English ways) of doing things
Slavery debates
Civil War (1861-1865) is pivotal Irving's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow"