Blog About King Lear
Autor: dahins1101 • October 10, 2017 • Thesis • 558 Words (3 Pages) • 821 Views
William Shakespeare, a playwright and a deep thinker of the late 16th and early 17th century has made observations about humanity that are still applicable over 400 years later; a true dream from a fiction writer. One of his characters, King Lear, has made the observation that justice escapes those who have wealth. The accuracy of this observation does not have the level of attention it deserves. Monarchies filled with money scandals and narcissism 400 years later are simply replaced with wealthy CEOs and bankers filled with sex scandals and narcissism. Today, after 300 years of attempting to “fine tune” America’s government we still are unable to shoot the wealthy with the bullet of Justice.
However, there are some cases of the poor and the average coming together to overthrow the wealthy, to show why poor ethics will never win in the long run under our Old Glory. An example of this is Enron. One of the most valuable power companies, one who earned trust and respect from many of their customers and investors, was brought down and exposed their wrongdoings by America’s justice system. A precedent has been set and since then wealthy CEOs need more maneuvering to escape the grasp of Justice. A highly skilled elite warrior can find himself in defeat by a sea of average fighters all searching for the same result. This proves to be true by the power of the smaller voices. An example could be president Nixon and his watergate scandal, the voices of America was brought together and Nixon, facing impeachment, resigned. However, for every wealthy person gouged with the lance of justice, there are 15 more who parry it and continue down their path of wrongdoing and sin.
Since the dawn of time wealthy people have evaded the full blunt force of America’s justice system with the aide of the capitalistic society we live in today. It’s pretty simple, our economy works the way if, you have more money, you get a better lawyer. Better yet, the more money