Autor: nohelypanoja • April 4, 2016 • Essay • 1,025 Words (5 Pages) • 741 Views
I just turned twenty years old and am a student at a community college, working thirty-six hours a week, and watching over my baby brother. The day my brother was born was the day my entire life changed for good. I am so thankful have someone who looks up to me, misses me, admires me. The day my mom announced to me and my sibling’s that she was pregnant we were excited and some of us could have cared less. I myself would say that I’m not going to help what so ever with the responsibilities that a baby comes with. The day my brother was in my arms was the happiest day of my life; i was so attached to him that i just wanted to be with him every second. I eventually ended up doing all the things i said i wouldn’t have done. I also guided him to know from right to wrong, how to speak, watching him, changing him, and feeding him, of course, all the responsibilities a baby has.
My brother was born on Monday June 2, 2014 at the Northwest Medical Center. I was stuck at work when i got a text message from my dad saying: “your mom went into labor” I was so furious that i got stuck at work when all i wanted was to be at the hospital. Luckily i was able to leave an hour early but barely making it to the visitation hours in the hospital. When i arrived at the hospital my brother was sleeping like a little angel in his blue blanket. I would just stare at him I was so happy! He was wearing a stripped white and blue beanie which made his long brown hair come out of the sides and a blue outfit. I was afraid i haven’t held a newborn baby for about six years! Luckily my mom reminded me and told me i have to hold the babies back and lower part of the head and body because it was to heavy for him to lift. Then it happened… he was in my arms with his eyes wide open just staring right through me; my heart dropped. I had never seen anything so precious. He came home the following day in his little cute monkey outfit i had bought for him; it came with a beanie that had a monkeys face on it. A funny memory that i have with him that is unforgettable was when he was napping we noticed an odd smell and my brother had gone to the bathroom he mad gotten it all over his outfit and sheets gross right? We had to wash his body with a warm rag to not leave a weird scent on him. I find it funny because that was his first day home and was the first thing he did. My brother had made a very interesting way of my making himself welcomed.
The first couple of months my mom would watch my brother until she felt comfortable leaving him with me without any supervision, by