English Vocabulary
Autor: Haroonakram • November 22, 2015 • Exam • 1,800 Words (8 Pages) • 1,076 Views
* civvy : civilian dress
* baffle : confuse : bewilder
* sped : quality of being quick or to move fast
* picket : watchman
* centrifuge : machine that uses centrifugal force to separate substancea or parts of substancea
* bonanza : large amount of valuable oil deposit etc.
* outsize : big & large in size
* profligate : prodigal : squandering : spendthrift : high rolling : extravagant
* depredation : plunder : ravage
* xenophobic : fear of aliens or foreigners
* pander : to cater or exploit weaknesses of others
* nuance : sensibility to : awareness of : ability to express delicate things
* cynical : believing that people are selfish & dishonest
* underwritten : fund or finance if any damage
* levelheaded : well thought : sensible : well informed : logical : rational : well founded
* drove : crowd : herd : horde : throng
* simmer : boiling
* vandalism : cause damagae to buildigs deface
* venomous : containing poison
* deluge : inundation : flooded
* brace : to get ready for
* grisly : appall : gruesome : horrific
* resent : angry or upset about unfair or wrong
* ordain : officially established or ordered
* psychopath : mentally ill does not care about other, violent & dangerous
* Succour : help : aid : relief
* incubate : to keep in proper condition for development
* redeem : resilience : improvement : repair : restore
* subversive : attempts to undermine established goverment
* reprehensible : very bad deserving strong criticism
* utterance : last extrimity : bitter end
* Trope : word or sentence used in artistic sense
* indignation : anger cause by unfair or wrong
* farce : joke : mokery