Essay on the Theme of Discrimination in the Merchant of Venice
Autor: gomeztiffany • November 17, 2016 • Essay • 534 Words (3 Pages) • 962 Views
Essay on the Theme of Discrimination in The Merchant of Venice
By Prof. Tannu
Discrimination is when you judge or put someone down because of their race, age, sex, religion,
and many other things. In the play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, the reader is
introduced to the theme of discrimination, in particular the discrimination of religion and race which
I will discuss in this essay.
There was religious discrimination found between Christians and Jews who hated each other because
they both believe in different things. This is found throughout the play when Shylock, the Jew, was
continuously put down by the Christians. He was spat on, his business and wealth were taken away,
his daughter stole his money and ran away from him because she was ashamed of being Jewish,
and his servant left because he was also ashamed of working for a Jew. When Antonio and Shylock
met to talk about the loan, Shylock explained the agreement that if the loan was not paid back within
three months, he was going to take a pound of his flesh. Antonio agreed to the bond and remarked,
"I'll seal to such a bond, and say there is much kindness in the Jew" (1.3.164-165). Antonio finally
saw that Jews can be good too.
Shylock was also being discriminated again towards the end of the play when his fortune was
taken away from him. When Antonio could not repay his debt, Shylock rightfully so, wanted to
enforce his deal with him claiming his pound of flesh. However, he was not able to get his
wish because Portia, who hypocritically disguised herself to be a male and who claimed to be a lawyer