Every Ligth in the House Burnin by Andrea Levy
Autor: dnzysmn • November 22, 2012 • Essay • 308 Words (2 Pages) • 1,608 Views
İt is a journey that’s deeply woven to a series of incidents in a person’s life. The main character is Angela, who’s born a few years after 1948. It’s a high tidal time, as Angela’s dad has moved to England in order to find better job conditions.
20 years later, the father is substantially ill and other than his family members, the National Healthcare Service is handling him. It is then that Angela rises up to support her family and father through an ordeal of different jobs.
Every Light In The House Burning is a great motivational novel.As its name suggests, the book is all about teamwork, cooperation and a binding spirit that is always there in a household. The writer is a firm believer in the fact that every family is a small team that needs to survive through mutual effort and lots of love.
A part from story:
My dad was a man - most dads are. But my dad had been taught or was shown or picked up that a man was certain things and a woman was others. I don't know whether he ever questioned the assumptions but I can identify him now as a man thought up in the 1930s and 40s.
He was head of a family - a breadwinner. He should go out to work in the morning and come home at night. He had to discipline children and occasionally do things around the home that required some degree of physical strength. A man did not have to be loving and affectionate. A man had to know everything and never be seen not to understand the world. A man would help around the house only when asked but a man always emptied the bins.
My dad was a man and he did what he thought was expected of him. But he couldn't understand when more was demanded.