Fantasy Books, Movies and Tv Shows Are Damaging the Developing Minds and Personalities of Teenagers...
Autor: andrey • December 13, 2013 • Research Paper • 3,263 Words (14 Pages) • 1,586 Views
A way we escape from our daily worries is through media and technology. The minute we open a good read or start an exciting movie, our imagination runs wild and we automatically go into an alter universe where we are the main character. In our society, peer-pressure is hard to resist. Therefore, we must recognize evil from good. Fantasy movies, books, and TV shows provide a story where one has to struggle for a great outcome. The lessons we learn about hope and courage can be used for reality. Conveying motivating messages, fantasy movies, books, and TV shows impact audiences in a positive way.
It is thought that shows like The Vampire Diaries promote violence and sexuality by showing it needlessly and explicitly throughout the series. Critics believe that the violent nature of the show devalues life and displays promiscuity. Teenagers exposed to such explicit content at such a young age are influenced by it and start to emulate the characters in the shows. Granted it contains violence, but is the real world not filled with the same sexuality and promiscuity that these shows are blamed of exposing our teenagers to? Has the viewership of the shows suddenly increased birth rates or crime rates for that matter? These shows may seem all about irrelevant fiction but tearing it down and looking at its face value is unfair because there is much more to it than what meets the eye. The truth about Vampire diaries can only be known by stepping into its world and witnessing the struggles faced and the sacrifices made by the people therein; only then would one realize that it is much more than a depiction of sexuality and violence. It in fact sheds light on the sanctity of human life and on to those people who sacrifice their lives saving the world and to whom family is more important than life itself. Cherishing family bonds and overcoming human desires are often the story line of this show beloved by millions. Most of the works of fiction, fantasy and otherwise are based somewhat on reality and the happenings of this world, if not in totality. In this era, terrorism is prevalent in most of the world the latest movies produced are based on it such as Zero Dark Thirty, which goes to show that these works are a reflection of this world and whatever is happening in it. Similarly, promiscuity and violence are displayed on television because they exist in the real world. How is watching it on television or reading about it worse than seeing it around you in the real world? Does seeing people be victims of terrorist attacks,