Human Resource Management
Autor: arushi dube • March 22, 2018 • Essay • 1,940 Words (8 Pages) • 714 Views
Chapter 6 Recruitment: Process of searching out and attracting qualified job applicants (identifying a position that requires staffing, completed when resumes are received. Recruiters: job to find and attract qualified applicants .Employer branding: image or impression of organization as an employer based on benefits of being employed by the organization. Experiences a candidate goes through during recruit process Branding steps: define target audience( where to find them, what they want one of the 4 generations), 2.develop employee value proposition(reasons why organization is more attractive employer, reinforce value proposition in communication(using various channels like TV, radio, print, social media Recruitment Process
Identify job opening | Specify job opening | Select methods of recruitment (internal, external) | Generate pool of qualified applicants |
-Hr planning/strategic plan -employee resignations/terminations | -frim job description/job specification | -Internal -external | -employment equity diversity goals |
Application forms : most firms use standard form; facilitates comparison of candidates, info company requires requested, used a sample of canadidates own work. Authorization for reference checking, info provided true/accurate. Application type: biographical information blank(bib) biographical data predictive of job success is scored, includes background, experiences, preferences. Online applications: reduce risk of lost applications, increase exposure level of job as, reduces biases based on face to face meeting
Internal | External |
| a large pool of qualified candidates diverse applicant pool new skills, knowledge, ideas elimination of employee rivalry and competition for transfer and promotions |
| Human capital theory: accumulation of firm specific knowledge & experience involves joint investment by employee, employeer. Both benefit from maintaining long term relationship. Job posting: notifying current employees about vacant positions. Human resources records: review of info on existing employees to identify candidates for opening. Skill inventories: review of qualification, interest skills of existing employees. |
.10 methods: employee referrals, former employees, educational institutions,open houses, job fairs ,professional and trade associations, labour organizations ,military personnel, online recruiting, online networking sites, private employment agencies,. Recruiting non permanent staff: temporary help agencies (provide relief for employees who are ill, vacation etc. Benefits: cost less than permanent employees, replacement of temp worker, highly motivated workers. Contract workers: work directly for employer, specific type work or period of time. Benefits: reduced layoffs during downturns, specialized work or projects. Recruit diverse workforce: attracting younger employees; high energy, enthusiasm, physical strength; consideration: provide independence & work life balance, give variety of experiences. Attracting older employees: retirement age, high job satisfaction, strong sense of loyalty& work ethic. Considerations: remove stereotypical attitudes, develop flexible work arrangements. Attracting designated group members: assists in goal of employment equity. Consideration: alternative publications for recruitment