I Hear My School Singing - Poem Analysis
Autor: andrey • February 27, 2012 • Case Study • 471 Words (2 Pages) • 5,573 Views
I hear my friends singing sorrows while studying
the math teacher sings it as she teaches polynomials and decimals.
and the science teacher as she teaches "creative thinking" and imaginary penguin sorrow
the computer teacher makes melodies when she strikes on the keys of the computer
the english teacher sings as she makes us read emily dickinson and walt whitman
the lunch lady sings as she gives me government issued frozen meals and rationed catsup ‘hum'
the freshman sings and plays guitar badly in the art and band room
the sophomore raps while putting on her uggs and tights
the junior sings while they study for the test on monday and the five more on thursday
the senior sings as they graduate after suffering through senior projects and paying old lunch bills
our school sings songs of sorrow
This poem is something sorrow and joy of the teachers and student in the school, and how they are going about their day in the school. This poem tells the day to day life in school and how they are trying to overcome the situation. This poem explains the felling of students including teachers.
There are a few literary terms being used in this poem but REPETITION is the most prevalent one. The poem repeats the word "sing/singing". Repetition is commonly used to drive a message home since it's constantly being heard/read again and again and draws attention to whatever is being repeated. In this