In to the Unknown
Autor: Jazzyh18 • January 30, 2014 • Essay • 329 Words (2 Pages) • 942 Views
According to In "Into the Unknown" the author’s states there going to be changes in the future for jobs. Many people are going to have to find lasting jobs that will actually develop in the future . Machines are needed daily because they build people up to create the technology . There are a lot of people who can work on machines and do technology in the future. The authors should see that it would take some workers a while to go overseas and work to support their family at home. But they have good point why foreign workers take over the jobs because most of them are already over there able to work . Yes, they do not mind getting paid less because they still can see and support their family on a low-income. Jobs in America that are taken away from a large portion of people would make many become poor. Some would actually go on to be trained to do the jobs in the future for the support. The governments are being very cheap and unsupportive to their people. They should create jobs and destroy low paying jobs in the future at the same time so that there wouldn’t be a big situation on unemployment. The economy has a positive or negative way to be fixed. There will be consequences to fixing the problems. But if the economy turns out to be at a sable level in the future from the consequences than destroying jobs are a great idea as long as there is back-up.
In the United States today, the economy is under destruction. People are still facing unemployment or bringing home low-income. Today’s job market is at its worse because there are no jobs being developed for people to work. To many lower class people are on benefits which that is affecting middle class people. Hoping in the future, the economy and people would be at its best .