Inequality in Education - Savage Inequalities - Jonathan Kozol Claims
Autor: viki • September 17, 2011 • Essay • 499 Words (2 Pages) • 1,739 Views
September 11, 2011
Summary 1
In Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol claims poor districts are funneled with ninety cents per pupil and rich districts are funded with fourteen dollars per pupil, the wealthy are getting more money a ratio of 1 to 4. In New York City, The Board Education who states that there is no point in putting money into poor Districts because new teachers would not stay there but was proved wrong when they was given a raise teachers decided to stay. There is a great impact on children who attended poor district schools. They have low self esteem and don't believe that they are capable of doing better. And for some reason all this is happening in a all black and Hispanic communities this is a sense of racism. Although there is no evidence to prove that there is racism. While the Board of Education keeps neglecting the poorest districts based on their unfair preference, the students will continue to suffer.
In "The Dream Deferred, Again, in San Antonio" (Savage Inequalities) Jonathan Kozol claims that racial segregation is still alive and well in the American educational system, due to the gross inequalities that result from unequal distribution of funds collected through both property taxes and funds distributed by the state in an attempt to equalize the disbursements of schools. The foundation program works in 3 steps: 1) tax is applied depending on the value of homes and businesses then distributed to the public schools. 2) Rich schools get more money because the area where they live gives their property more value while homes in the poor communities are worthless. This is where the poor take a loss while the rich benefit from it because they live in wealthier communities. 3) Rich school districts are supposed to give more money to the poor schools since they already have sufficient funds and don't need the extra money. This Low foundation formula