Inform, Describe and Entertain
Autor: jambagsc • January 29, 2013 • Essay • 747 Words (3 Pages) • 1,245 Views
Inform, Describe and Entertain
1. Imagine you are just landing in a foreign country (real or imaginary) for the first time. Describe what you see, as well as your feelings and emotions upon arrival. You may want to use real-life experiences to inform your writing.
I hear the faint sound of an enfant crying and a familiar chime of the seatbelt sign turning off. My eyes, once opened, adjust to the bright sunlight shooting through the half drawn plastic shutters inside the aircraft. The cold air coming from the adjustable nobs in the ceiling chills me, a contrast to the heat haze coming of the wing of the plane.
My ears start to equalize to the new pressure as the plane begins its descent towards the crudely built airfield, a grey strip reaching out towards a mirage, the tarmac hot as heated coal. My heart jumped at the idea of escaping the stuffy and stinking cabin of the plane after 9 hours of torturous screaming and the soothing, but scraping voices of the airhostesses asking whether you wanted to buy the latest rip-off perfume on offer for the flight.
They ask these questions through their thickly slathered on make-up, almost like clowns, no one knows who they really are. They are just there to make you laugh or serve your drink, never able to make real communication.
This thought saddens me as I start packing my book into my rucksack, just a quick copy I bought from the airport, the author had a poor sense of humor, however it was entertaining to read due to his pure nerve of insulting celebrities publically and not giving a damn.
The screech of the wheels against the hot tarmac was so loud and overpowering, I thought we has lost the landing gear, my fear soon vanished as I squeezed past a vastly overweight man and stood at the top of the steps leading from the plane. The vast expanse of runway had ended, and a beautiful forest like area of trees had replaced it, colorful birds and small monkeys conversed in the high trees, greener than any tree I had ever seen, their colours were