Intergration in Virgina
Autor: Antonio • March 8, 2011 • Essay • 310 Words (2 Pages) • 1,439 Views
Integration in Virginia
Remember The Titans is a movie that portrays integration. It takes place in Virginia in 1971. The movie exhibits realism of communication and teamwork through the relationships between Coach Boone and the team, Coach Boone and Coach Yoast, and the team among themselves.
First, the movie exhibits realism because of the communication and teamwork between Coach Boone and the team. One of the problems faced was that Coach Boone came to join the team and brought black players. The white players thought they would never get to play but they discover that every player is equal. "Boys, we can work together and win this game." Coach Boone was appointed to be a coach at their school. He did not go through a hiring process. He lost his own job in North Carolina, and "I can't do that to this man." Coach Boone did not apply for the job but he was fair and firm to all the players. Another situation between Boone and the team is when the white players don't want to play for a black coach and Yoast doesn't want a black assistant. Yoast doesn't want his white player to lose college scholarships so he swallows his pride and agrees to be Boone's assistant, leading the whites back to practice. Therefore, this movie shows realism because of the communication and teamwork between Coach Boone and the team.
Next, the movie shows realism because of the communication and teamwork between Coach Boone and Coach Yoast. One conflict that erupted between Boone and Yoast is that they both wanted to control the whole team. If Coach Yoast took someone out of the game, Coach Boone would send that player back in. To settle their problem Coach Yoast took defense and Coast Boone took offense and they both decided that they wouldn't try to control each others side of the team.