Is Children Behavior Better or Worse over the Years?
Autor: Jamie Leppala • October 11, 2015 • Essay • 2,159 Words (9 Pages) • 1,428 Views
Is children behavior better or worse over the years?
With the passage of time and changing in society, the behavior in children also change. In the 1950s to 1990 it was okay to punish your kids the way you want to. Some parents use a belt across the butt to correct the behavior. In 1950s, school could correct the kid behavior by hit them with a rule but today school can not hit children because it is child abuse. “In the 1950's the normative American family consisted of a breadwinner father, homemaker mother, and several children, all living in homes in the suburbs on the outskirts of a larger city” (Bishop, par. 1). Today society have been hard because both parents have to go to work so they can raise their kids. So the kids are in daycare or with a nanny all day along and when the parents do see their children, it not until bedtime. Jill Bishop say “Children are raised by many varieties of caring adults: single parents, grandparents, kin-networks, homosexual couples, and others. Even traditional appearing families are often blended families of children from different biological parents” (par. 2). If the kid throw a fit because they want something so the parents give to them to shut them up because they hard day at work or keep them happy so it upset the other parents.
Some major factors that change children behavior that include changing trends shown at TV, changing status of people, attention not giving by parents and poverty. That stuff got more advanced than 1950s like TV, computer, and jobs. Jill Bishop say “The strict gender roles have broken down considerably in the 1990's. Young women assume that they will be working outside the home, and their choices are far greater than my choices of "traditional female occupations [of] nurse, teacher, or secretarial work..." Men enter into childrearing more now, as indicated by diaper changing stations in public men's restrooms, and more men are pushing shopping carts in the grocery store than years ago. I also see more fathers at parent-teacher conferences in the 1990s than in the early 1980s indicating their greater interest and participation in their children's education” (par. 5). Early childhood is a time span of development that spans the ages from 3 to 5 years, between the end of the toddler years and the start of first grade. It is the time to the juvenile child's life when the base is prepared for personal, linguistic, cognitive, and social-emotional natural forces that will elaborate all through life . Yet there is an unmistakable value to early childhood that makes it one of the most challenging and sorcerers time of human development.
Children are becoming carefree, thankfulness and they do not appreciate and learn the good things done by others around them. Children become mean and do not listen to the elders. Children think if they get hit across the butt that is child abuse. Joanna Chau say "Younger Americans are drawn more toward selfish pursuits, such as money, image, and fame, and are less likely than previous generations to be involved in civics, donate to charity, or take action to protect the environment" (par.1).Children threat their parents to get their way by saying if you hit me or touch me that I can call the police and they can throw you in jail. Kids do not go outside anymore and play instead they stay inside all day play video game or watch TV. In 1950s there was no TV and children play outside all the time. In today society there been children going to jail or prison because their behavior have not been correct by their parents. In today's era the child behavioral problems are increasing day by day. Therefor children behavior have change for the worse compare to 1950s.