It’s Okay to Be Unique, Lets Definie It for You!
Autor: Cris Avila • March 27, 2015 • Essay • 1,095 Words (5 Pages) • 780 Views
Cristien Avila
ENGL 1301
Barbara Perez
March 15, 2015
It’s Okay To Be Unique, Lets Definie It For You!
When growing up as a little boy, I didn’t know where I’d fit in or who I was. Everyone I knew fit in somewhere or they knew exactly who they were. It took me sometime to figure out which I group I blended so well in, but when freshman year of high school came along I picked up of my very first skateboard I had bought with my hard earned money. Skating around my neighborhood became a daily hobby for me when I came from school. Of course being a newbie at first, I was awful and always fell on the ground with my knees all scraped up. Every time I walked out the front door and into the brisk cold air brushing up against my face, I never looked the part and I was always judged and even bullied a little. In this world, I knew everyone dresses different or they act a certain way around other. With myself at hand, I wanted to embrace my own unique style that no one dared to emulate.
Developing my own style took years for me to evolve and accumulate altogether throughout my middle school days and into my early years of high school. As you embark on that journey, you as a human being go through different phases in life and with each phase you grasp a certain trait, hobby, or interest that stays along with you and define you as a person. It’s become the morality in today’s generations and will continue to in future generations to come. You have to be patient with yourself and it doesn’t come altogether so quickly. In fact, I went through those stages in my life and I was able to pick up certain interests that fit me and even certain hobbies I enjoyed in my spare time. I loved to skate, write music, and occasionally go out to concerts with some buddies are little things that helped me become who I am.
So if you want to embrace yourself with finding your inner skater or to become someone who’s not afraid to be put in a certain category, follow these set of rules of embracing your own unique style that will define who you are in this world.
- Embrace your own self confidence and not have a care in the world on what others think!
- Always look the part and be confident on how you dress or where you shop.
- Always have accessories on hand, and your board on deck at all times.
- Fool others into thinking your something you’re not, but in fact you really are.
- Have a broad mind of thinking.
- Know the lingo and create your own twist to it!
- A diverse taste in music and not just one!
- Stand out from others and radiate your personality making it known.
First off, you don’t have to care what others think or say about you. It’s all about confidence and ways for you to boost them up another notch or two. Challenge yourself each day and have goals in mind for you to achieve and set standards. If you want be a unique do what makes you happy. If being a skater is what drives you to be unique then do so. What’s important is that it makes you happy and you feel comfortable with yourself to blend in with society. Make yourself stand out from the crowd or the group you hang around at school or your buddies outside of school. Don’t be afraid to radiate your personality and just be you with everyone around you. Your style, personality and the way you deliver a first impression defines you as a young bright individual who’s willing to do anything just to fit in.