Jaws Case
Autor: simba • February 4, 2014 • Essay • 251 Words (2 Pages) • 1,083 Views
JAWS was the film that launched the career of one of the most famous directors in the world; Steven Spielberg. Director, writer and producer Steven Spielberg, also directed numerous other popular films such as: War horse, E.T and Jurassic Park. His films have covered many themes and genres. Spielberg won the academy award for best director in 1993 and 1998.
One of the features that creates the most tension in the film is when the shark approaches its bait (the human).As this happens, the tempo of the music increases which causes tension to the suspicious audience in the first hour, the music is made to sound sly and dangerous like in a murder film. The audience associate this with the man-eating shark as this makes the scene more dramatic.
Furthermore, there are tense moments in the award-winning film where the camera angles are used to great effect, for example, when there is a high camera angle showing the girl kick her legs in the sea, it makes you suspect that the camera is the shark (during the first attack).There is also a scene where there is a close up shot Hooper's eyes. This makes the audience see how he's feeling and makes them feel that something unusual and scary is about to happen.
Moreover, the film is edited to create tension. The first two attacks are close together because it builds up fear and shows the audience the shark isn't taking its time and is just attacking people at the first chance it gets.