Letter and Marking Scheme
Autor: Kho Wei Syen • October 5, 2016 • Creative Writing • 607 Words (3 Pages) • 870 Views
Char Kue Tiaw
No 2212,
Jalan TaktauMana,
Taman Disitulah.
11900, Bayan BelumLepas,
Pulau Pinang.
Apple Service Centre
Lot 26-28,
7th Floor, East Wing,
Queens Bay Mall,
11900, Bayan SudahLepas,
Pulau Pinang.
12th May 2015
Dear Sir / Madam,
Request for Replacement – iPhone Nano (Receipt Num: 2233445678)
I purchased an iPhone Nano from your outlet 4 days ago. My receipt of purchase is mentioned above. I am having some major problems / issues with the product. The issues are as follows:
- The screen freezes every 5 seconds – it is impossible to navigate around the phone
- I have problems connecting to the internet – wifi as well
- The battery charge does not last long
I am very disappointed with the product and I would like to request for a replacement. I would like to know more about the procedure in order for Apple to send me a replacement for the product that I have now. It would be most helpful if one of your staff could contact me regarding this matter.
My contact number is: 011 2345 66789
Thank you very much for you time. I look forward to hearing from your outlet.
Yours Sincerely,
(full name)
Content : 8
Language : 7
Organization : 6
Format : 4
Total : 25
- Points presented are relevant to task.
- Points are supported with good ideas, showing the student to be knowledgeable; matured in thinking; original in thought; critical and analytical.
- Points are also interesting and creative.
- Most of the points are relevant to the task but content demonstrates that the student may not be as knowledgeable, matured, analytical and critical as the A1-A3 student.
- Points are suitable but not outstanding.
- Lacks critical thinking, originality and creativity.
- One or two of the main points may be irrelevant to the task.
- Some ideas/details are not suitable.
- Points show a lack of understanding of the task.
- Content is completely wrong or is so poor that it cannot be understood.
- Length of essay is too short to be evaluated.
- Points show no understanding of task.
- Excellent mastery of grammar, spelling and punctuation; accurate, appropriate and broad range of vocabulary and sentence structure; a few minor mistakes.
- Display good mastery of grammar, spelling and punctuation (some mistakes – not glaring ones); good and appropriate range of vocabulary and sentence structures.
- Many problems with grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.
- Meaning can still be understood if the reader really strains to understand.
- Have extremely poor or no ability to write in English.
- Proficiency is at beginner’s level.
- Paragraphs, main ideas and supporting details are organized in a very logical manner, with an introduction, the body and a conclusion.
- Sentences are coherent and cohesive.
- Paragraphs, main ideas and supporting details are organized logically.
- Sentences are coherent and cohesive with some minor problems – a few mistakes in cohesion, coherence and use of transitions.
- Major problems in organization, cohesion and coherence, poorly organized.
- Poor use or hardly any use of transition.
- Conform to the format of letter/memo/report writing.
- No errors in conventions.
- Some errors in the format/memo/email/report writing.
- Not conformed to any letter/memo/email/report writing format