Mgmt 3010 - Honesty Paper
Autor: Yang Alex • November 1, 2015 • Essay • 739 Words (3 Pages) • 935 Views
Name: Yang Qi
Date: 10/01/2015
Professor: Douglas P. Bennet
Course: MGMT 3010
Honesty Paper
Honesty is telling the truth, the whole truth, and without any lies at all. Be honest with people will probably beneficial. For example, in the business, honest is an important factor to achieve success, because it can help people develop relationships with partners or others and gain trust from them. However, honesty sometimes may bring inconvenient or trouble to people. In order to explore the influence of honesty for daily life, I was to be 100% honest in everything I do and say for three days last week.
The first honest thing I did was drive under speed limit on highway. In the case of normal, I am always the guy who speeding around 10 mph and pass the most of cars on highway. However, when I tried to be honest and drive under the speed limit, I felt a little bit uncomfortable about it, because I should always stay on right line and let the most of cars pass me.
At the night of that day, I talk with my girlfriend who is in China through skype. She told me that she bought a nice skirt and asked me if it looks pretty. At that situation, I usually would say yes even if I do not think so, because girls always want get positive answer from their boyfriend. However, I was trying to be an honest man for three days. Then, I told my girlfriend, “No, it is not pretty at all, I think it is ugly and you do not fit it.” She immediately glared at me and said “what’s wrong with you? Why you think I do not fit it? Cause you think I am ugly?” I understand why she was so angry, because I never said any words like this to her before. Then, I explained her that I am doing an honest experiment and need to tell truth for everything. After my girlfriend heard that, she said “OK, I understand now, but still fell unhappy. Do not say that again even if you think so, because I do not like to hear that.”