Narrative Literature
Autor: constance04 • January 21, 2016 • Essay • 1,415 Words (6 Pages) • 861 Views
Narrative Literature
Narrative literature in its simplest form is simply telling a story. Someone is telling a story from their point of view. Either they were there and lived through it or they observed it in which case it is told from the third person. There will always be space for narrative literature in language arts, social studies, and even math. A narrative is simply about telling a story from a perspective that is beneficial to everyone around. A narrative literature is an account of events, different experiences, a book, or novel that can be fiction or non-fiction. Narrative writing is a story of sequences events that characters are involve.
Narrative literature includes the following features that authors uses in narrative text: setting, theme, characterization, structure, and plot (Roe, B. D., Stoodt-Hill, B. D., & Burns, P. C.) 2004. The setting is where and when will the story take place. The theme provides the message that the author is trying to inform the audience. Characterization ask who are the main characters and how do they look. The structure is how the story will begin, what are the problem and the solution in the story. Lastly, the plot is what is going to happen in the story. There are a series of stages that proposed to build a story according to PendidikanBahasaInggris (2013), which are the following: orientation, complication and resolution. Orientation is the introduction of the characters of the story, where the story will take place, and the time of the story. Complication is the events that the main characters tries to solve the problems in the story. Lastly, the resolution is the ending of the story by presenting the solution of the problem.
Narrative literature can be used to supplement before, during, and after the content base instruction to reinforce understanding the material. According to Pratyasto, a narrative is a type of text that is composed to amuse the reader to touch a variety of events. There are many types of narrative such as, fictional narrative which is an imaginary story that happen in an imaginary world. Some examples of fictional narrative are fairy tales, folktales, horror stories, myths, and legends. A non-fictional narrative is a real-life person’s account of a real story. Some examples of non-fictional would be historical narrative, ballads, and personal experiences.
As an educator you use any tool that you can to get your students involved in a lesson. Adding narrative literature is one way to get them to do just that. According to William E. Straits and Sharon E. Nichols (2007), “Educators often use reading assignments as a means for contributing to learners’ understandings of given topics” (p. 903). By getting students to write their own narrative and tell the lesson that they are learning is one way to get narrative literature involved. This allows the students to work on their