Olivia Case
Autor: Olivia • April 30, 2013 • Essay • 390 Words (2 Pages) • 930 Views
Hi! My name is Olivia and to be honest the only real reason I joined this website is because I am in AP Language and Composition and I've always gotten fantastic ideas from here! It's quite difficult to come up with two hundred and fifty words but I guess I'll try. I am a Gemini. I love ramen noodles. My favorite person in the planet is my cat, Puss. Sometimes I carry on full conversations with myself, and I am not ashamed. I love music and have been in choir since fifth grade. Bob Dylan is my biggest musical inspiration. I'm not homosexual but Brokeback Mountain is really quite a fantastic move and anyone who doesn't think so is either homophobic or has never won an Academy Award. My middle name is Irene, and I used to be embarrassed by it but the older I get the more I understand why you should never be ashamed of who you are. The Perks of Being a Wallflower was a fantastic movie, but was an even better book. Speaking of books, I have a quote book that I keep by my king side--which is going to be super hard to leave behind in order to further my education--to write in every night or just anytime I hear a fantastic set of words. We accept the love we think we deserve. My hand is cramping up at this point and I'm finding it even more absurd that we have to write 250 words. I mean what can you honestly learn about a person in 250 characters. Then again I guess you could potentially learn everything you need to. I've actually learned quite a few things considering how much time I've left to hopefully spend. I've learned that unrequited love can bring on the worst kind of pain. I've learned that you can love someone so much, but you can never love them as much as you can miss them. I've learned that not every person you care about can stay in your life; sometimes people have to leave because it's the right thing to do. I've learned that people don't really change, you just either didn't know