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Spcm1 Sample Interview Plan and Explanatory Guides

Autor:   •  November 5, 2016  •  Study Guide  •  1,741 Words (7 Pages)  •  946 Views

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Date Passed: ______________

Interviewer: Charlene Ang

Interviewee: Azra Mubarak

Background Information on informant: A Pakistani, 28 years old, 5th year, Civil Engineering student, U.P., a practicing Moslem

Purpose of interview: To inquire about the fundamentals of Islamic teachings as embodied in the Fifth Pillar of Islam

Planned Interview Date:___________

Guide Questions:

A.  Establishing Rapport

  1. Good Afternoon,sir. My name is Charlene Ang. I am a Communication 3 student from U.P. As I was explaining to you earlier, this interview is part of a requirement to finish Communication 3. Please bear with me. This will take only about 15-20 minutes of your time. Since the main topic is Islam and its teachings, may I begin asking for some information about you? How did you acquire the Moslem faith?
  2. How did you learn about the teachings of Islam? Who taught you? How was it instilled in you when you realized you were a Muslim? How old were you?

B.  Maintaining Interaction

  1. Can you explain briefly the fundamentals of Islamic teachings as embodied in the fifth pillar?
  2. What is the most important teaching that all Moslems must follow?
  3. Why is the profession of faith (“There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his last prophet.”) the most important teaching that every Moslem must follow?
  4. How does this principle guide you in your daily activities as a Moslem?
  5. What guidelines are followed in praying;salah live times a day facing Mecca?
  6. Giving zakat or alms to the poor is another important pillar of the Moslem faith. Is this still practiced?
  7. How is the Ramadan observed by Moslems?
  8. How important is the pilgrimage to Mecca for a Muslim?
  9. How many times should a Moslem go on a pilgrimage to Mecca?
  10. What happens once you have fulfilled yourpilgrimage to Mecca?
  11. What privileges are enjoyed by the hadjj (one who has gone to Mecca)?

C. Terminating the Transaction

  1. Would you describe yourself as a devout  Moslem?
  2. How do you fare as a practicing Moslem?
  3. Are you fulfilled and happy as a practicing Moslem?
  4. Would you have any additional comment to share, express?
  5. (Express thanks for the interview; have an open-ender statement in case of follow-up interviews

Form of interview:

Type(s) of interview questions:

Sequencing of questions:

Equipment: Projector

Date,time and venue of interview:

Sample Exploratory Guide for a Problem of Fact or Inquiry

PROBLEM: What are the pros and cons of modern technological advances to UPLB students?

  1. Definition and Delimitation of the Problem
  1. Definition
  1. What is technology?
  2. What are the more recent changes in the concept of technology?
  1. Delimitation
  1. Are we concerned with the modern technological advances that apply to UP elementary student? UP high school students? UP college students?
  2. Are we concerned with the pros and cons of the modern technological advances that apply to UPLB students when it comes to their social life? educational status? personal development?
  1. Nature of the Problem
  1. What is the current status of the students in the university?
  1. To what technological devices are the students commonly exposed to?
  2. How much help do these technological devices provide students?
  3. In what subjects do students have much need of technological devices in?
  1. Is there really a need for the students to have these or be exposed to these modern technological advances?
  2. Are there really problems arising from these modern technological advances? If yes, what?
  3. What are the possible roots of these problems?
  1. The Pros and Cons of Modern Technological Advances to UPLB Students
  1. What are the pros of modern technological advances to UPLB students?
  1. Do courses or subjects require modern technological equipment?
  2. Does the distance of students from other people really require hi-tech devices?
  3. Do advanced equipment help students develop their talents and boost their learning?
  4. Do technological devices make the students better individuals?
  1. What are the cons of modern technological advances to UPLB students?
  1. Do modern technological advances cause social problems to students?
  2. Do modern technological advances cause learning problems to students?
  3. Do modern technological advances induce students to do negative things?
  4. Do modern technological advances expose students to certain kinds of danger?
  1. What is the importance of knowing the pros and cons of modern technological advances?
  1. Does this knowledge improve the knowledge of the students on the positive and negative effects of modern day technology?
  2. Does this knowledge help students to maximize the full potential of the technological devices they are possessing?
  3. Does this knowledge help in the future development of the students?


Sample Exploratory Guide (Problem of Value)

PROBLEM: Are the standards of Times Higher Education World University Rankings fair for all universities around the globe?

  1. Definition and Delimitation of the Problem
  1. Definition
  1. What is Times Higher Education?
  2. What are the indicators used by Times Higher Education to determine the rankings of the universities?
  3. What is “third world” and “first world”?
  4. What are “advanced facilities”?
  1. Delimitation
  1. Are we concerned with community colleges and institutes?
  2. Are we concerned with statistical techniques used by Time Higher Education to come up with the ranking?
  3. Are we concerned with other organizations that rank world universities?
  1. Background of the Topic
  1. How long have they been doing these rankings?
  2. What is the status quo?
  1. What is the current breakdown of percentages of the standards?
  2. What are the rankings of first world countries and third world counties’ universities?
  1. What are the effects of these rankings to the units directly and indirectly involved?
  1. universities
  2. students
  3. staff
  4. potential students
  5. host country

  1. Evaluation of the criteria used by Times Higher Education World University Rankings

  1. Is the category “International Outlook – staffs, students and research” valid as an indicator of ranking? What do foreign students contribute to the university?
  2. Is it appropriate for “Citations – research influence” to be 30% of the overall percentage of a university’s ranking?
  3. Considering “Teaching – the learning environment”, do facilities and equipment correlates with the academic performance of the school?
  4. Considering "Research", can a large budget be used as basis of quality research?
  5. Should “Industry income – innovations” be placed at 2.5% and not lower?
  1. Conclusion
  1. Are the standards of Times Higher Education World University Rankings fair for all universities around the globe?
  2. Is there a category whose percentage is to be adjusted?


Sample Exploratory Guide (Problem of Policy)

PROBLEM: What can be done to prevent suicide among young people?


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