Spcm1 Sample Interview Plan and Explanatory Guides
Autor: annasoeg • November 5, 2016 • Study Guide • 1,741 Words (7 Pages) • 946 Views
Date Passed: ______________
Interviewer: Charlene Ang
Interviewee: Azra Mubarak
Background Information on informant: A Pakistani, 28 years old, 5th year, Civil Engineering student, U.P., a practicing Moslem
Purpose of interview: To inquire about the fundamentals of Islamic teachings as embodied in the Fifth Pillar of Islam
Planned Interview Date:___________
Guide Questions:
A. Establishing Rapport
- Good Afternoon,sir. My name is Charlene Ang. I am a Communication 3 student from U.P. As I was explaining to you earlier, this interview is part of a requirement to finish Communication 3. Please bear with me. This will take only about 15-20 minutes of your time. Since the main topic is Islam and its teachings, may I begin asking for some information about you? How did you acquire the Moslem faith?
- How did you learn about the teachings of Islam? Who taught you? How was it instilled in you when you realized you were a Muslim? How old were you?
B. Maintaining Interaction
- Can you explain briefly the fundamentals of Islamic teachings as embodied in the fifth pillar?
- What is the most important teaching that all Moslems must follow?
- Why is the profession of faith (“There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his last prophet.”) the most important teaching that every Moslem must follow?
- How does this principle guide you in your daily activities as a Moslem?
- What guidelines are followed in praying;salah live times a day facing Mecca?
- Giving zakat or alms to the poor is another important pillar of the Moslem faith. Is this still practiced?
- How is the Ramadan observed by Moslems?
- How important is the pilgrimage to Mecca for a Muslim?
- How many times should a Moslem go on a pilgrimage to Mecca?
- What happens once you have fulfilled yourpilgrimage to Mecca?
- What privileges are enjoyed by the hadjj (one who has gone to Mecca)?
C. Terminating the Transaction
- Would you describe yourself as a devout Moslem?
- How do you fare as a practicing Moslem?
- Are you fulfilled and happy as a practicing Moslem?
- Would you have any additional comment to share, express?
- (Express thanks for the interview; have an open-ender statement in case of follow-up interviews
Form of interview:
Type(s) of interview questions:
Sequencing of questions:
Equipment: Projector
Date,time and venue of interview:
Sample Exploratory Guide for a Problem of Fact or Inquiry
PROBLEM: What are the pros and cons of modern technological advances to UPLB students?
- Definition and Delimitation of the Problem
- Definition
- What is technology?
- What are the more recent changes in the concept of technology?
- Delimitation
- Are we concerned with the modern technological advances that apply to UP elementary student? UP high school students? UP college students?
- Are we concerned with the pros and cons of the modern technological advances that apply to UPLB students when it comes to their social life? educational status? personal development?
- Nature of the Problem
- What is the current status of the students in the university?
- To what technological devices are the students commonly exposed to?
- How much help do these technological devices provide students?
- In what subjects do students have much need of technological devices in?
- Is there really a need for the students to have these or be exposed to these modern technological advances?
- Are there really problems arising from these modern technological advances? If yes, what?
- What are the possible roots of these problems?
- The Pros and Cons of Modern Technological Advances to UPLB Students
- What are the pros of modern technological advances to UPLB students?
- Do courses or subjects require modern technological equipment?
- Does the distance of students from other people really require hi-tech devices?
- Do advanced equipment help students develop their talents and boost their learning?
- Do technological devices make the students better individuals?
- What are the cons of modern technological advances to UPLB students?
- Do modern technological advances cause social problems to students?
- Do modern technological advances cause learning problems to students?
- Do modern technological advances induce students to do negative things?
- Do modern technological advances expose students to certain kinds of danger?
- What is the importance of knowing the pros and cons of modern technological advances?
- Does this knowledge improve the knowledge of the students on the positive and negative effects of modern day technology?
- Does this knowledge help students to maximize the full potential of the technological devices they are possessing?
- Does this knowledge help in the future development of the students?
Sample Exploratory Guide (Problem of Value)
PROBLEM: Are the standards of Times Higher Education World University Rankings fair for all universities around the globe?
- Definition and Delimitation of the Problem
- Definition
- What is Times Higher Education?
- What are the indicators used by Times Higher Education to determine the rankings of the universities?
- What is “third world” and “first world”?
- What are “advanced facilities”?
- Delimitation
- Are we concerned with community colleges and institutes?
- Are we concerned with statistical techniques used by Time Higher Education to come up with the ranking?
- Are we concerned with other organizations that rank world universities?
- Background of the Topic
- How long have they been doing these rankings?
- What is the status quo?
- What is the current breakdown of percentages of the standards?
- What are the rankings of first world countries and third world counties’ universities?
- What are the effects of these rankings to the units directly and indirectly involved?
- universities
- students
- staff
- potential students
- host country
- Evaluation of the criteria used by Times Higher Education World University Rankings
- Is the category “International Outlook – staffs, students and research” valid as an indicator of ranking? What do foreign students contribute to the university?
- Is it appropriate for “Citations – research influence” to be 30% of the overall percentage of a university’s ranking?
- Considering “Teaching – the learning environment”, do facilities and equipment correlates with the academic performance of the school?
- Considering "Research", can a large budget be used as basis of quality research?
- Should “Industry income – innovations” be placed at 2.5% and not lower?
- Conclusion
- Are the standards of Times Higher Education World University Rankings fair for all universities around the globe?
- Is there a category whose percentage is to be adjusted?
Sample Exploratory Guide (Problem of Policy)
PROBLEM: What can be done to prevent suicide among young people?