Symbolic Representation of Settings
Autor: Antonio • July 18, 2012 • Research Paper • 2,077 Words (9 Pages) • 1,762 Views
Symbolic Representation of Settings
Symbolism is used by authors as an object that opens doors to the real meaning. In this regard, symbolism, which in this case is objects, characters and actions that communicates deeper meaning than what is actually written (, 1). It is necessary to note that both Conventional and traditional symbols in literature often work in much the same way given that they both convey meaning and thus they are used to suggest ideas that tend to be more universal than just the physical aspect. In the classic novel, "The great Gastby", the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, creates a satirical work of literature that uses symbolism to point out geographical and environmental characteristics throughout the different settings of the story. With regard to the above, this essay seeks to discuss symbolic representation of settings used by the author.
Colors that may appear to be simple can sometimes be used symbolically depending on the location, or the context in which the author uses them. The way the author places a character gives the audience clues as to their personality and how they would want them to be seen. For instance in the book "The great Gastby", a green light is situated towards the end of Daisy's East Egg dock and it is not visible by an individual who is at Gatsby's West Egg lawn. In this sense, the green light is a representation of Gatsby's hopes as well as dreams for the future. In chapter one, Gatsby associates the light with Daisy, and thus he attempts to reach it while in darkness as a light to guide him towards achieving his goals. Given that the quest for Daisy is mainly linked to the American dream, the light is also a symbol for a more generalized ideal. In addition, in chapter nine, the author uses the green light to compare between how America, as it rises out of the ocean and how this appeared to the early settlers of the new nation. Additionally, the green light also reflects the hazy future that seems to be elusive, just as Nick explains, "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter – tomorrow we will run farther, stretch out our arms farther…." (Scott & Michael, 112). This statement triggers the reader to think of the green light as the future, how it relates to Daisy and the goals and dreams from the past.
In the story "The Great Gatsby", the author focuses on creating a relationship between geography and social values. The settings used in the novel correspond to thematic ideas or a particular character within the story (Kylene, 110). In The first chapter of the novel, the author introduces two of the most significant settings, East Egg and West Egg. Despite each of them being home to fabulous wealth and the fact that they tow are separated by a tiny expanse of water,