Tech Bring Us Closer Together
Autor: Yiran Liu • April 4, 2018 • Essay • 614 Words (3 Pages) • 604 Views
Tech bring us closer together
- What is tech
- How tech related to reality dating show and dating app
TV, Smart Phone.
- Positive part about it (how it bring people closer)
Provide more directly info.
Easy for us to connect each other.
- Negative part about it
- Conclusion
Hi, everyone. I would like to start my talk with an easy question.
What is technology?
In our generation, I could say that we born with technology, we grow with it and most of us cannot leave it anymore. Technology can be defined as anything that was created by humans to make life easier or solve some kinds of problems.
Nowadays most of young people are facing a serious problem; they don’t have time or opportunity to meet someone and take times to get to know each other that directly cause most people who are already past marriageable age can’t find a life partner. People are puzzled by this problem. More and more singletons are seeking for a solution for their problem.
Today, I am gonna show everyone how technology solve this problem for us, being specific -----online dating, which we can separate it to two parts; dating apps and reality dating show. Here comes the question. Why this kind of dating model becoming so popular today, where does it come from?
Online dating model are exist base on technology development. There are two reasons why it will be created.
Firstly, in the past day, when our life temper is still slow, our life circles are only those people who live near us. There is no so much distraction from the outsiders. However, in 21 centuries, relationship becomes harder for us. Work, friends, entertainment; all those factors occupy most of our time. People don’t willing to spend time on manage relationship. We are being separated. Our generations are target-based, which means we don’t waste time on things that don’t worsted. An easy example, we always ask is this gonna be in the final exam?