The Heart of the Matter: Public Funding of Abortion for Poor Women in the United States
Autor: JasmineCrosby30 • December 2, 2016 • Article Review • 407 Words (2 Pages) • 1,072 Views
Article Rebuttal
Jasmine Crosby
February 19, 2015
Toney Ferguson Sr.
Article Rebuttal
The Heart of the Matter: Public Funding Of Abortion for Poor Women in the United States
This article talks about how Republicans want to drop a bill that bans women from using federal funding to get abortions. Also within in this article is stated several reasons on why restrictions are placed within the federal funding program Medicaid. I agree with Republicans and their decisions on banning women using federal funding to get abortions. The Hyde Amendment is the amendment that was implementing to stop women from using federal funding for abortions only to be used in situation such as rape or incest. My reason on agreeing with Republicans is simple too many young females in today’s society are quick to depend upon government assistance for their mistake of dealing with the wrong guy. I also feel that within this federal funding program they should implement where females should be forced to get some type of birth control to decrease on the amount of children brought into this world under poor income. The federal funding this article is speaking of is Medicaid. Medicaid true enough is government health insurance program but should not be taken advantage of for abled body individuals who can find jobs and find their own health insurance.
Although it is unfortunate that some females are victimized by rape I would agree that Medicaid help those individuals as long as there is a police report stating that situation happened. Funding of this program is generated from state taxes that is automatically retrieve from all people who work in the United States. There should be very strict rules within this program in my opinion. Also some people feel that it is wrong for Republicans to ban this funding, stating that Republicans are not allowing those women whom have been a victim of rape to use the funding to abort what is called a mistake. What if the female was not victimize and just wanted to get an abortion all on the actions of her not taking the precaution to protect herself. Overall if Congress would take a deeper look into this program and implement more restrictions this should surely decrease those abled body individuals to seek employment and not just let the government take care of them for long periods of their life.