The History of Milka
Autor: antoni • November 26, 2011 • Essay • 256 Words (2 Pages) • 2,313 Views
We chose the brand of Milka, because it is well-known in the most of European countries, and in many other countries all over the world. The main producer is Germany, and it is one of the most popular chocolate brand in Hungary, that is why our group chose this country to compare with the German marketplace. On the other hand we love it, who cannot?
The history of Milka
In the beginning of the 19th century when milk and chocolate met each other Milka (Milch+Kakao) was born as a small family business. At first the package was lilac and the cow was on that (but it was a normal one) in the middle of the Alpine landscape. In this way they wanted to communicate the origin of milk, which meant good quality. Later the point was to conquer the consumer loyalty and to get a brand identity, so that they changed the colour of the cow to lilac and gave her a personality. So Milka became a single brand with copyright on the colour as well, in which families can trust.
In order to analyze the marketing strategies we chose to go through the concept of the 4 P's . That was the way how we tried to investigate the similarities and differences between the two countries.
If we want to classify Milka products based on the product theory, it would be defined as a fast moving consumer good. It is obvious why, because people can buy chocolate for acceptable amount of money and they repeat buying it.