The Pros and Cons of Social Networking for Teenagers: A Parent’s Guide
Autor: jimjim • February 21, 2015 • Annotated Bibliography • 961 Words (4 Pages) • 1,825 Views
Jackie Harris Harris 1
Jennifer Jackson
ENGL 1013-09
8 February 2013
Clemmitt, Marcia. “Cyber Socializing.” Are Internet sites potentially dangerous July 2006: Article. Vol. 16, Issues 27, Web. 6 March 2013.
This piece is not scholarly article because it was put together by human observation. The article argues the certain dangers that are presented on cyber socializing. The source is credible because there are many volumes to this piece and there was also a lot of work put into it. It is a very good source of information on the topic. I viewed this as a credible source due to the fact that this website has been up for many years and is still running. I will use this article to support my argument of the dangers of cyber socializing.
Stanberry, Kristin. “The Pros and Cons of Social Networking for Teenagers: A Parent’s Guide”
September 4, 2012 Web. 7 March 2013.
This piece is an aid to my argument of how cyber socializing can be dangerous. It is classified as a scholarly article because it isn’t from a popular magazine or a very familiar, more widespread publishers. The source is pretty credible because it has a plentiful amount of information about the pros and cons of cyber socializing. This article is a cornerstone source to my argument and also gave me most of my information to be able to put forth a good argument.
Harris 2
Lewin, Tamar, “Teenagers’ Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing.” The New York Times
November 19, 2008 Web 7 March 2013.
This is a popular article written by a credible writer. The New York Times is a very famous newspaper that writes about many topics. But this source indeed is not as credible as the other sources. The topic isn’t always covered in this paper on the daily basis, but it still provides good information. It gives me an opposing side to my argument and still shows how the good and bad of cyber socializing are compared. The title itself proves how this will help me obtain the perfect argument that I am looking for.