Tour Guiding in Cavite: Prospects and Challenges
Autor: ABBYMOS • February 3, 2016 • Case Study • 1,244 Words (5 Pages) • 875 Views
This chapter presents the summary of the study, researcher's conclusions and recommendations.
After careful analysis of data, the researchers obtained the information about Tour Guiding in Cavite: Prospects and Challenges. Upon examining the profile of the participants, the researchers found out that majority of the respondents were 20-29 years old since the percentage of them is 57.14. It implies that 20-29 years old were the most active age group who conduct Tour guiding services in Cavite . They were at the highest rank because they're knowledge and skills are still fresh from their training and their physical attributes can give more strength for them to do the job. On the other hand, ages below 19 and between 40-49 got a percentage of 2.86 and ranked as the lowest, showing that they were the less active age group in conducting tour guiding services. They were at the least because those below 19 years of age are mostly need to exert effort in conducting a training to have an experience first while those 40-49 years of age, even though they had a lot of experience and still have an excellent communication skills, some of them need to take a break and find other work that is not too hassle for them.
The data also revealed that there are more female tour guides in Cavite than male. out of 70 questionnaires, 45 of the surveyed individuals answered that they were Female. It represents that females were more interested in engaging in tour guiding services than men.
In terms of Civil Status, the percentage of Single is 51.43 which is in the highest rank. Since Tour guiding is a challenging job, it requires Singles because they have enough time to focus in their job and there’s no worries like those in Married who have many priorities and concerns making them at the lowest ranked with a percentage of 48.57.
With regards to the educational attainment, percentage of 47.14 goes to Undergraduate making it in the highest rank. Even though they are not able to finished their studies, they can undergo trainings and somehow they got the skills and knowledge. However, High School Diploma got the lowest rank with the percentage of 17.14. They were the least because their knowledge is not that enough and they need to enhance first their skills in order for them to be a Tour guides.
In terms of types of Tour guides, Free Lancer got the highest rank with a percentage of 65.71%. There is many Free lancer because they have opportunity to work with different companies but doing the same job. Unlike being a Staff Guide which is in the lowest rank with a percentage of 34.29, they were affiliated by a certain company or agency. Because of this, they have a limited opportunity or they’re just doing what their company has to offer to them. Staff Guide monthly income ranges between 11,000-15,000 with a percentage of 58.33 while Free Lance monthly income ranges between 8,000-12,000 with a percentage of 54.35. With regards of the income of Free Lancer and Staff Guide, its still the Staff Guide that has higher income than Free lance. It is because Staff Guide has fixed salary while Free lance income depends on how many times they can get an opportunity to do their job.