Two Years Are Better Than Four
Autor: sam_skd • January 25, 2018 • Essay • 332 Words (2 Pages) • 1,163 Views
Ralph Lauren
Professor Tarle
English 101
February 18, 2017
Summary 1
In the article, Two Years Are Better than Four, author Liz Addison discusses her view on community colleges. She believes that community colleges are more important to this country than a four-year. Throughout the article, she argues Rick Perlstein’s article, “College as America used to Understand it is coming to an end.” Perlstein’s argument is that college no longer holds an importance in this country. In her article, she sometimes seemed more focus on fighting her counter-argument than focusing more on her own main points. Her last sentence in the article, she is still fighting the counter-argument when she states, “it is here that he will find that college does still matter” (258). However, Liz does give the readers some valid main points on why the “community college system reader is America’s hidden public service gem” (257).
In the article, Don’t Blame the Eater, author David Zinczenko states that children are not being informed about health hazards by fast-food companies. The article begins by stating a case in which kids are suing McDonald’s for making them fat. He then goes on to defend the kids and discuss his own personal experiences with fast-food companies and how he was 212 pounds at age 15. David than goes on to discuss the lack of healthy food places in this country compared to fast-food companies. He continues to discuss the lack of information on what the children are consuming when they go to fast-food companies. He explains how there are no calorie information charts on any fast-food packaging like at the grocery store. He then explains how if you request for the information it can be hard for a child to understand all the calorie information. He then concludes the article, by again stating that fast-food companies need to provide nutrition information or we will continue to see more sick and obese children.