Virginia Woolf - "mrs.Dalloway"
Autor: Arina Yudina • April 9, 2016 • Essay • 840 Words (4 Pages) • 934 Views
the text under interpretation is an abstract from the novel "Mrs.Dalloway" written by Virginia Woolf.
virginia woolf was an english writer and one of the foremost modernists of the 20th century. her non linear, free form orise style inspired her peersand earned her much praise. she was also known for her mood swings and bouts of deep depression, which was often reflected in her work.
modernisem is a literary movement which is caracterised by a self-coscience break with traditional styles of poetry and verse. modernists experimented with litarar form and expretion.
the modernist literary movement was driven by a conscious desire to overturn traditional modes of representation and express the new sensibilities of their time.
the abstract under consideration is a bright example of belles-lettres style which is caracterised by the esthetico cognotive function. the style aimes at the unfolding of the idea to the reader and on the other hand it calls forth the feeling of pleasure, which is relevant in communication.
the text under the interpretation belongs to the ganre of Novel, which means that there are an extanded number of characters. despite the fact that it's a novel the text depicts only one single day.
the title of the story has a significant meaning and depicts the theme of the story. the title "Mrs.Dalloway" refers to Clarisa's married name and the fact that she chose Richard over Peter.
Back than she perhaps was afraid of Peter's desire to be with her al the time, he wanted her follow her potential, and I think she was afraid to get out of her comfort zone and thought that he wants much of her. she chose Richard, rich and socialy estimed man, because it was convinint for her. but in her mind she was returning to the past again and again, and perhaps regreted of her decision. But this situation doesn't change and she continues being Mrs.Dalloway. so we can guess that the theme of the novel is implied and the reader has to do some guess work. so I would say that the novel is about how people return in their minds to those mistake they did in the past.
the plot is not chronological and resortes to flashbacks. time frame jumps back and forth between London in the 1920 and Bourton in the 1890. characters and events are inseperable.
the story is written from the third person omnisient narration. the naration waves through the psiches of various characters, with added commentory from an omnisient narrator.
this narrative technique allows us to focuse on the little things that people think about, that may seem silly for a narrator to comment on.
the protegonist is Clarissa