Wal-Mart Cross-Cultural Perspecives
Autor: poohweezy910 • September 14, 2015 • Essay • 1,386 Words (6 Pages) • 1,179 Views
Wal-Mart Cross-Cultural Perspecives:
Cultures have different kinds of behaviors and beliefs due to their varieties of conceptions on human essence. The cultures norms can be classified as rule based and relationship based. Because cultures operate in many different ways, there can be different activities damaging parts of the world; companies or other organizations. Ethical issues as well as social issues are major concerns for businesses, but it debated. There are different opinions that explain the cross-cultural perspectives of cultural situations that alter an organization's communications and cooperations out of North America. Nonetheless, when a person looks at an positive influences from the intention of a form or illustration that Wal-Mart is producing in China, it will show that individuals encouraging for ethical and social conscious organizations could be as it should. Wal-Mart is known around the world as a company that offers discounted merchandise to its customers to help them save money. The organization was built on values and moral and its’ own unique corporate culture. One of the key elements to all of the rules of Wal-Mart is respect for everyone, customers, suppliers, and associates. A global organization founded by Sam Walton, encourages his employers and associates to follow a simple rule; smile, greet and assist help to customers. When an organization goes international or global, there are new social and ethical situations that will happen and Walmart is no different.
Wal-mart is a organization that has gone global and across the World, and gives a widespread of different business ideas that operates many areas. It has stores and supercenters across the globe in places such as Mexico, Canada, Brazil, China, India, and Japan. Mexico being Wal-Mart's principal global site, which its annual sales are roughly $20 billion. Because of globalization, it has caused Wal-Mart to become a industry in the multi-billion dollar range. Although Walmart has become a success and made a change of profit all over the world, it's performance has declined and had negatives issues in countries like Mexico, Brazil, and China and the department stores are suffering due to harsh outcomes. The revenues of Wal-Mart in its global areas increased by 1% (Team, 2014) during the year 2013 and its revenue declined almost 5% per square feet. Other than Mexico being an example of Wal-Marts difficulties with its organization China suffers its own issues. The China market is also crucially imperative to Wal-Mart in regards to enduring perspective, despite the fact that it doesn’t add much to Wal-Mart’s profits. The grocery section of Wal-Mart is a struggle in other countries because they cannot beat the prices of other discounted markets or the types of food and products does not meet the culture goods of certain countries. Some other example are trying to sell ice skates in Mexico or selling gold clubs in a country not familiar with golf such as Brazil. It is plain to see that tackling these quandaries that Wal-Mart were contending with in both markets had to be amounts Wal-Mart’s paramount main concerns. The global organization of the ethical and social issues Wal-Mart faces is because the formula does not fit every culture.