Who Is to Blame? -The Beginnings and Consequences of Childhood Obesity
Autor: Kaleighhhoffman • September 12, 2013 • Research Paper • 2,251 Words (10 Pages) • 1,572 Views
Who is to Blame?
Childhood obesity is to be feared. Today, nearly one third of America’s youth stand to
die before their parents. These children sit alone at home while their parents are away at work.
Most of their leisure time is spent in front of the television, while they fatten themselves up with
unhealthy foods. These kids live a sedentary lifestyle, participating in little physical activity, and
exposing themselves to too much screen time. Society has greatly contributed to this epidemic
as kids have gained more freedom, use fingertip technology, and are surrounded by an
abundance of food. These factors have caused vulnerable children a lifetime of health
complications. Government needs to take a more aggressive role in protecting the youth of
America from obesity.
The epidemic of childhood obesity threatens the general well being of our future. But
some are not willing to take the necessary actions needed to save the children. We can argue
about who holds the blame for this epidemic, but pointing fingers would just be a waste of time. In
order to deliver a national solution, government efforts need to become stronger to provide a
national solution. However, many have yet to stand up against parents, schools, and food
companies. Critics of government effort argue that it has already gone too far. They claim that
the diet of a child should remain the parents’ concern. However, obesity is a form of mal-nutrition
and just as government would step in and protect a child who was not getting enough to eat at
home, the same protection should be given to children who are getting fed too much. Critics also
argue that parents who overfeed their children are over-loving. They may be loving, but parents
have the responsibility to keep their children healthy. Critics say that government just does not
have the right to try and exert control over personal choices. However, Michelle Obama’s Let’s
Move! Program helps to encourage personal choice and independence. Also, critics state that
removing a child from their home in unnecessary. State intervention of placing an obese child