Yoga Reflection
Autor: Shanti Jain • March 9, 2017 • Article Review • 314 Words (2 Pages) • 811 Views
With increasing stress and complexities in the current world, the need for remaining fit and healthy increases. In spite of growth and development in the medical science, the complexities of diseases are increasing too. People have become very conscious and have earnestly started working towards unity of self-consciousness and inner soul. One of the prime ways of doing the same is through Yoga. Yoga is the Indian body of knowledge which is more than 5000 years old. The various applications of Yoga include Gyan Yoga (philosophy), Bhakti Yoga (devotional bliss), Karma Yoga (Road of blissful action), etc. These in turn facilitates to purify the mind and body of the individuals.
Yoga stresses upon the appropriate way of life imbibing a unique blend of exercises, asanas with emotional assimilation and spiritual advancement. With various exercises, both physical and breathing, one learns to extend and control over breath, eventually helping to bring more oxygen to blood and body. This in turn helps to remain healthy. Techniques of Pranayama in yoga also facilitates to generate greater experience in the field of meditation.
Yoga actually helps people to feel very light and reenergize oneself to work well in spite of hectic schedule. Experiences of people show that people tend to feel lighter, healthier and happier after regular yoga. Many people have lost considerable weight from the same. Yoga tends to increase flexibility too.
Nowadays, a new form of yoga, called Power Yoga has also started, which is actually a vinyasa practice based upon fitness. This also has the same benefits as that of yoga with enhanced generation of internal heat, increased strength and stamina, greater flexibility and better stress reduction. Overall, yoga is a very useful habit if inculcated. It is useful for all types of people and generations which do the same as per their capabilities and stamina. If performed regularly, it gives way to a healthy and happy life!