Free Trade Endangers Food Sovereignty
Autor: namrata1995 • September 2, 2015 • Essay • 1,199 Words (5 Pages) • 1,123 Views
Free trade endangers food sovereignty
“Globalisation and free trade do spur economic growth and also led to lower prices on many goods” (Reich, R, 1946). Free trade has led to many good as well as bad effects on our communities. As a result it also engaged with the problem of food sovereignty. This essay will depict on some of the free trade agreement in the pacific, how it has affected food sovereignty, health and wellbeing and how will the 21st century minimise this catastrophe.
To begin with, Free trade is an agreement in global markets in which governments do not limit imports or exports. Many nations have joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) trade agreements. The idea of a free trade schemeencirclingseveralindependent nations first originated in a simple form in the 16th century in Spain.
Francisco de Vitoriawas the first person to set forward the notions of free will of exchange and independence of the seas (international trade agreements, 2014).Later on Adam Smith and David Ricardo, the famous British Economists further developed the idea of free trade into its current and identifiable form. (Caption: trade of ginger)
To add on, free trade policies support trade of goods and services without taxes but including tariffs, quotas and so on. This gives the firms and households an advantage over others. Also, gives free access to markets and market information. There are many free trade agreements around the world.In contrast with other Asia-Pacific regions, Pacific Island countries are involved in less free trade agreements. The important ones the Pacific Island countries are involved in arePacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA), the South-Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement (SPARTECA) and the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER-Plus), which is still under conciliation (Anukoonwattaka, D, 2012). The Pacific Island Countries Agreement (PICTA) is a reciprocal trade which includes the trade of only goods but excludes trade of alcohol and tobacco. PICTA aims to institute a free-trade region among 14 of the Pacific Islands Forum countries.PACER+is trying to negotiate a trade and cooperation agreement with Australia and New Zealand(Anukoonwattaka, D, 2012).
Others are the Melanesian Spearhead Group Trade Agreement (MSGTA) and the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (IEPA) (Fiji Revenue & Customs Authority, 2012).The Comprehensive partnership agreement that covers trade in goods and services also trade related issues like food and safety issues.Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu are already members of the WTO (Anukoonwattaka, D, 2012).
Moving on, free trade with relation to food sovereignty is a serious issue. Food sovereignty simply means prioritising agriculture. The farmers have the right to produce food, save and exchange seeds.This will safeguard the livelihoods