Gender Roles in Ancient Greece and Rome
Autor: simba • December 16, 2013 • Research Paper • 814 Words (4 Pages) • 1,891 Views
Gender Roles in Ancient Greece and Rome
In ancient Greece and Rome the roles of each gender played a significant part of the history that we learn of today. Each gender had particular a different role in the ancient times of both of these empires. Men and women were valued for different reasons and had different responsibilities and duties that they were to uphold. Today those roles are not thought of as the same, the gender roles have pretty well evened out.
In Athens women were looked greatly upon to not gossip amongst themselves, to keep their homes neat and tidy, for giving birth to legitimate children. This is how they were valued, based upon how well they did each of these duties. Unfortunately, women in Greece were not considered as citizens. In these times, the father had rights over his daughter. After marriage a father had the right to ask for his daughters return. Women in Greece often were kept at home and could own their own property but was not allowed to sell or dispose of her property.
In Rome, women were more free as they were able to own their own property as well as sell or dispose of their property. Women also were free to go about where she liked, they were not kept at home out of sight. As to where women in ancient Greece belonged to their father, women in Rome were subject to the dominant male role in her birth house or if she was married that was who she would most likely listen to. Women in Rome were looked greatly upon for characteristics such as modesty, keeping harmony, and not being with more than one male. Roman women were considered to be citizens yet they were not allowed to vote or hold any political office. Women living in these times in Rome were left to tend to the daily duties and responsibilities within the home as the men were out tending to other responsibilities.
Men in Ancient Greece were treated very well. During the day they would work outside the home making the money to support the family. They were in politics and held office where as the women were not allowed to do so. While at home the men were very well taken care of so much as they would have slaves feed them and entertain them as they lounged.
If you were a male in Ancient Rome you were either a rich or poor male and depending upon what you were on how you spent your day. If you were rich you woke up and ate a lavish breakfast before heading out to work, later in the day you might take a nap or a break and get a hair cut or other luxury.