Media Contribution in Constitutional Making in Kenya
Autor: jon • September 19, 2013 • Essay • 517 Words (3 Pages) • 1,377 Views
Since then, the kenya's political landscape has continuously shaped the constitution to what it is currently. The following is a chronology of events in shaping the constitution:
S/No. Year Event
1. 1960 The Lancaster House Conference was the beginning of the Constitutional Conference. The First Conference was held under the Chairmanship of Ian Maclead. No Agreement was reached then.
2. 1992 The Second Lancaster House Conference was initiated and a framework for self-governance was negotiated.
3. 1963 The 3rd Conference finalized constitutional arrangements for Kenya's independence as a dominion, marking the end of more than 70 years colonialism.
4. 1966 In 1996 March, defection of some members of KANU to form KPU (Kenya People Union). The Government responded by amending the constitution to force a small general election in which KPU was only able to win parliamentary seats in Luo Nyanza.
This followed three years of political party leader's harassment that ended in 1969.
1969 A new constitution was adopted consolidating amendments already made to the 1963 Independence Constitution.
1976 Amendments to enable President to pardon politicians barred from contesting elections over electoral malpractices was passed. Opposition to these amendments led to the arrest and imprisonment of Philomena Chelangat Mutai and George Anyona.
The Provincial Assemblies were also scraped.
1982 Amendment to the Constitution to make Kenya a single party state was formalized.
1983 Multiparty abolished making Kenya a single party state with KANU as the ruling party.
Power was given back to the Presidency and the mlolongo system was adopted.
1991 The then President repealed Section 2A of the Constitution at a KANU delegates Conference held at Kasarani making Kenya a multiparty state.