Module 4 Blog - Your Life During Industrialization
Autor: padilla0183 • January 21, 2016 • Coursework • 557 Words (3 Pages) • 985 Views
Module 4 Blog - Your Life During Industrialization
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The Industrialization brought a new horizon to everyone as it spread through the world. It all started in Great Britain in the late 18th century which would bring a tremendous change to society as it was known. Before Industrialization manufacturing was usually done in someone’s home utilizing hand tools and basic machines. Industrialization and the utilization of new sources of energy and power, especially coal and steam, replaced wind and water to build and run machines that dramatically decreased the use of human and animal labor and at the same time increased productivity. Productivity of goods was increased by staggering numbers. Therefore, there was a much bigger demand to meet supply expectations and people to work the hours required to run all the machinery (, 2015).
Everyday life was not easy during the Industrialization but there always work that needed to be done. Waking up early was no easy task being that I had to be at work at five o’clock in the morning every day and had to work till eight o’clock in the evening. Due to the schedule I did not have much time to spend with my family but I know it was all worth it because I had a steady job which meant I had a steady paycheck coming in to put food on the table and a roof over my family’s head. It is difficult to keep cleanliness in and around the house do to the overcrowding with the influx of people coming in from the countryside to work in numerous factories that are operating in the area. Sanitation and pollution is a big concern for my family being that we have two young boys that need to stay healthy. I work at a cotton mill it is my responsibility to maintain and keep these machines running to optimum capacity. Although it was a dangerous task at times I had to prove my worthiness to keep myself employed, many craftsmen had already lost their job because they were replaced by a machine that did the same task faster and cheaper. I have been working so many hours that I think I’m losing weight but maybe it’s the short breaks we get to eat they give us half hour for breakfast then another half hour for lunch. There is no way to refrigerate our food so we usually have to eat what is served or buy food from the grocers. A usual meal you will see being eaten by the workers here would be a hearty serving of gruel which is a thin soup made from oats or potatoes mixed with milk and water - very cheap and filling (, n.d.). All in all, the industrialization has made some aspects of everyday life more difficult at least for the working class people, but there are some improvements that are on the way such as, there are people fighting for the rights of the workers so we wouldn’t have to work such long hours and live in such insanitary conditions which can give my children and I a much better quality of life.