Autor: laurenpmathews • August 5, 2015 • Essay • 456 Words (2 Pages) • 755 Views
Religion is the one element of life that has connected the races and societies of the world for hundreds and hundreds of years. It has given meaning to lives that may seem otherwise hopeless. Religion has provided for a universal language and culture among those who believe in a higher power. The spirit or being receiving the worship and praise may not be the same, but the practices are usually similar and serve the same purpose to give direction, insight, courage, and a divine connection. Religion is the main source of morals and values today. I think that religion is overlooked, and not taught enough. For example, many elementary, middle and high schools aren’t allowed to teach or preach the word of the bible. I feel like that is a problem in the United States today. It has had the effect of more violence, problems in families, and the non- education of the younger generation. I feel as though myself that I don’t know as much as I should about religion and cultural differences. I’m interested in expanding my knowledge in religion for numerous amount of reasons. I think if I knew more about the different religions people practiced that it would open up more opportunities for me to connect with people from all around the world. I am currently at Hillsborough Community College because I want to study the medical field of nursing. As a nurse, I think that it is very important to relate to every patient’s different faiths and cultures. Even if the patient’s background is similar to the nurses, it does not mean the patient shares the same beliefs as the nurse. Treating the patient as an individual is important because of differences such as religion, culture, gender, education, and family traditions. To provide excellent and professional care involves nurses appreciating and respecting the patient as an individual. I think being more knowledgeable about different religions will not only improve my profession expectations but improve myself as a person. In the first class meeting, I learned the nature and features of religion. Also, I learned etymology- from a root meaning to tie or bind. A word that will help me remember that meaning is ligament. From today til the last day of class I would like to intake as much information as possible about religion. I want to learn about the different kinds of religions and what they exactly mean. Also, the different communities and their authority structure, myths and symbolic meanings. What I’m most interested in learning is life after death in different religions and comparing all of them. I am looking forward to a great class and to be leaving the class knowing more than I know now about religion.