Textbook Case
Autor: pranny88 • October 23, 2012 • Essay • 652 Words (3 Pages) • 1,118 Views
India remains federation
-state govt not creation of centre.authroity from constitution
-impt amendents in const. need ratification not less that 1/3 of state
-cooperative federalism
Significance/adv of grassroots demo
-3 levels)national,state,grassroots
-refers to panchhayati raj institution(PRI) and Municipal Institutions(MIs)
-this is called local governemnt
1)Decentralisation/Delegation of power
-from higher to lower levels is best fr success of demo
-widens base for public participation
2)Effective Mngt.of localaffaris and devt. Activities
-local matters(sanitation,water/elect/edu) can be better handles by local ppl as they have knowledge abt specific needs
-responsibilities of family welfare,public distribution system under 73rd and 74th amendment acts
3)Local Institutions relieve State Admin of some of its burden
-delgation->better conventrate on public order,police etc.
4)Local govt generated a new leadership
-surendranath banerjea,lala lajpat rai reached high positions who started off in such local bodies
5)Local governance is rly economical
-honorary members serving w/o pay or little emoluments, less expensive!
Panhayati Raj System
-system of local self governeance by councils.
-fulfill day to day common needs of the rural area
1)Gram Sabha-adults members registered as votes in Pach area.
-approve budget for yr, consider new taxes,review audit report,elects gram pradhan(pres)
2)Gram Panchayat
1-obligatory func 2-discretionary 3-develop 4-admin 4-judicial
Panch Samities- Civic Facilities and Devt fuc(health care,chemical ferts,handicrafts
Supervisory func.-of gram pacnh and modifications in budget.
DISTRICT LEVEL-zila parishad-construction of raods,bridges.crutinizing devt plans