William Wordsworth Case
Autor: Kara Marie • February 23, 2015 • Research Paper • 255 Words (2 Pages) • 1,093 Views
William Wordsworth’s walking tour of England and experiences during the revolution, influenced a large portion of his work. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 to John and Ann Cookson Wordsworth (Wordsworth 706). He was a very strong poet and many of his works show his pessimistic view. Which could be understood by the life he led. He saw the French Revolution at its highest point. He had a daughter from a woman in France. Then he later married and had five children.
William Wordsworth had a seemingly great childhood. His family was not in poverty, and he had a nice home in Cumbria England (William 1). He had three brothers and one sister (William wordsworth 3). His sister Dorothy was his best friend through out his life (William Wordsworth 4). His mother died when he was eight (William 2). Wordsworth went to Hawkshead grammar school (William 4). When he was still in school his father died (William 5). His fathers death left him and his four siblings orphans (William 6). He then started studies at St. John’s College in Cambridge (William 7).
Wordsworth started on a walking tour of Europe (William 8). During his tour he ran into the French revolution (William 9). This walking tour showed him interest in the “common man” (William 10). He fell in love with Annett Vallon (Wordsworth 706). His relationship and tour ended abruptly when he had to return home due to money and family troubles (Wordsworth 706). Wordsworth became depressed from his dreams of liberty being destroyed (Wordsworth 706).