A New Juvenile Justice System
Autor: suttonra78 • August 26, 2012 • Essay • 684 Words (3 Pages) • 1,660 Views
To change the current system, we need to look at we are doing right. Anyone can point fingers and say that’s wrong. I don’t plan on pointing fingers, I plan building off of the right things being done. I think there are a lot of good programs that have become obscured over time, let’s get these programs running the way they were intended to run. We need to get to these kids at a younger age, and take an active role getting them through school and keeping them away from the wrong influences. (Newberger, 2010)
First, I want to talk about the things being done right. Our country has developed so many programs for under privileged kids, and yet we still can’t keep them off the streets and away from bad influences. We need to go through all these programs and eliminate the ineffective ones, we need to find the ones with highest success rate and find out why it’s working. After finding how and why these programs work better, we need to implement them across the country. We need to stop wasting tax payer money on programs that don’t work, or have the wrong personnel running them. Let’s actively pursue getting kids involved in afterschool sports and learning, let’s get volunteers to spend time with the kids until their parents get home from work. Instead of downsizing our police departments, let’s get them out in the bad neighborhoods stopping drug dealers. I want to get to these kids before the gangs have chance; I want them to know they can achieve great success if they stay in school and out of gangs. (Newberger, 2010)
Second, we need to find out why so much tax payer money is being spent on inner city programs that don’t work. Instead of dumping money into programs that don’t work just so we can say we’re doing something about the problem, let’s actually do something about the problem. We owe it to every child out there, to give them a fair chance at the American dream. I want to develop, implement, and maintain a universal federal